Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Don't Sweat Cleveland...Its Only Law School... or is it?

I was driving home from my job that pays my bills when I received a phone call from a friend who stated that Cleveland was really, really screwed! I responded, "How bad can it be for our friends in the not so subtle earth tones?"

"... Andrew Sweat chose law school over playing linebacker for the Cleveland Browns!!!" he yelled.

Immediately, my brain went into overdrive. After putting aside my usual Cleveland Browns jokes,  I seriously started wondering why someone would turn down an NFL career to study law? Here are some interesting facts...

  • The lifespan of an average NFL player is only 55 years... 52 if you are an offensive lineman.
  • Strength is not enough to be successful in the NFL, Linemen need to be so big that they put their health at risk.
  • The average NFL lineman consumes over 6000 calories per day
  • Concussions are a regular part of the NFL game.
These facts combined with the recent suicides of Junior Seau and Dave Duerson are enough to convince anyone with a functional brain that professional football is very very dangerous.

Steve Young, the former QB of the 49ers, suffered multiple concussions and had to leave professional football for good to save his life. Steve Young will never be as mentally sharp as he was prior to joining the NFL.

It is sad to see famous atheletes in decline. The Mike Websters, The Junior Seau's. The Dave Duersons of the world all payed a tremendous toll for the game. Darrell Dess, a former offensive lineman for the New York Giants said it best to me when he served me a beer ten years ago... "The NFL doesnt care, it is a business- that is why I got out when all the crap began!" Darrell played during the time of true greatness in the NFL. He was an 11th round draft pick of the Washington Redskins in 1958 and played for the Steelers, Giants and Redskins until 1969. Darrell told me quite candidly that there is not a day since he started playing football professionally that something does not hurt!

So... it all makes sense. Andrew Sweat is quite intelligent. I believe he made the correct decision to eschew a life of temendous pain, odd hours, odd eating habits and probable concussions leading to depression for a professional career where he can be in charge of his own health and welfare.

The NFL has provided great wealth and has changed many players lives and their families for the better. However, it also has destroyed countless bodies and minds along the way.

Roger Goodell... we have a long way to go to make the NFL better!

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